
Am I a Bad Mom?

When you feel like a bad mom
  • My child was crying and refused to go to school, I still sent him.
  • I let my child watch TV for an extended period of time today.
  • I couldn’t manage to sit with my child for his homework today.
  • I had to dress my child up today for school, but in the middle of my deadlines, I totally missed it
  • My child wanted to read that extra book before bedtime, but I was so exhausted, I forced him to sleep
Does all of the above make you feel terrible? Makes you wonder if you are a bad mom?Takes you down a guilt trip? Leads you to believe you are inadequate and that your child deserved better?

Dear Mama, Relax! We know you care for your child and we know you can bend backwards to ensure your child gets the best. Whether you are a working mom or not, we know your mind and heart is always thinking about your child and we also know that there is nothing else in the world, that would let you replace this special bond you have with your child.We hear you! We all are guilty of the above!

We all forget, are tired, overstressed or sometimes plain bored And, listen it’s OKAY!

Raising a child needs a village, whether we have one or not, it’s far from easy. There is always another child doing better in academic or sports; for us to wonder if our child is doing or being enough. If we must enrol him for that extra curricular activity that our neighbour has enrolled her child for.

There is tremendous pressure today on us as parents. Is there a method to parenting? A solution to ease these woes? A pill that can correct it all?

We wished there was, but there really isn’tone right method. Parenting is a lot of who you are as an individual and about what comes to you naturally. Every child is unique and different. Take the cue from your child and let him lead you. Perhaps your child is not supposed to be a cookie to fit in that cookie cutter! Let him be! Let him lead you, dear parent 🙂

Chaitali Satam